Friday, July 31, 2009 @ 7:22 PM
Started off today by waking up at 6.30 LOL. Bathed, changed to school uniform and went to school. First lesson was P.E. and we played Frisbee, kind of miss playing Frisbee as I played it a lot during my primary school times with my teacher. 2nd lesson was SPA and I suddenly found out that I left my valuables in miss ong's bag LOL.Felt SOOOOOOOOO panicky so I went to tell mdm sim that I need the toilet urgently as a reason to find my wallet LOL. Went round the school searching for rebekah and couldn't find her, I even went to find her in the staff room but she was not there~ Gave up and went back to class. Did my own revision when mdm sim was teaching the class on SPA. The whole class was practically sleeping LOL-_- Miraculously, rebekah gave the bag to amanda when she went out I guess and I got back my valuables. PHEW~~~~~~~ Fast forward to photo taking LOL. Me and taufik brought our shades to take picture~ hahahahaha. We would look so "outstanding" in the yearbook I guess~Had assembly for the first time in don't know how many weeks LOL. Powerpoints on Olympic and Olympism. After that Madam Tan talked to us about the merger thingy. Didn't go for DnT remedial as I have bio tuition and I guess thats the end of the story for today~

Took this photo when I was highlighting my hair~
Labels: I will be strong.
Thursday, July 30, 2009 @ 6:05 PM
Well, started off today fine~ Everything's fine. Nothing special happened in school until chemistry when Mrs Koh was doing some experiments to teach us about factors that affect the speed of reaction. She was so funny as in she was not acting as someone of her age would do but well, I studied collision theory a month ago. So theres nothing new~_~ After school played daidi with marbin, keat, edwin. Kinda into this card games these few days. We even made a ranking LOL. After that went for my chemistry test which I had missed out on tuesday. Classroom was at 4A5 there and they were having their mock papers-_- looks so easy to do hahas :X Redox test was quite easy i guess. Had DnT later on till 5.30 pm and went home with friends and here I am blogging. Gonna study later on even though I'm tired.
And I'm also tired of being the friendly guy. I feel like I must care for myself more instead of keeping on pushing other people even though they just treat my advice as some shitass words. SHIT THIS!

This was taken during last year's McDonalds Crew outing. Kinda miss them and Eileen asked me to come back to work after my 'o's. Feel so confused-_-
Labels: I hate being ignored.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 7:11 PM
Eh. Well, today isn't really kind of boring and also not really interesting.
Had lessons all the way and DANG! I didn't get to change class for bio-_-
I just found out another thing too, I am gonna seriously fail for physics after doing some practise papers of other schools-_- So many formulas to remember~
English lesson is most worth commenting because I got chosen to perform for national days as a
Chinese local from the British colonial to the independent state of Singapore and I have to dress
like a coolie with white singlet(WTH) and a coolie pants(Even more WTH). It's like so dumb~ And after the last
lesson which is English, we had to go straight to hall for the recollection rehearsal-_- SOOOOOOOOOO HATE IT.
Finishing time was 2pm and went to ate Long John Silvers with Marbin, Hoang, Edwin, Salah, Keat and MENG LOL.
Reached DnT at 3.30 and Wong told us we all fail for our marking like so dumb~ she got no brains that this won't work on us LOL. Ended it at 5.30 with Mdm tan(principal) talking to marbin about his clothes. The conversation was darn funny lols.
And I guess thats all for today.
Below are some pictures of me at the BBQ held for Madam Christine Tan
This is so dumb looking lols

I look even more dumb looking over here~_~

Looking at elsewhere while Madam Tan is coming-_-
Labels: I love school
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 8:06 PM
er.. This is my first post on here so don't blame me for lousy blogging skills blah blah blah but
at least i have a heart to post LOL.
Summarizing what happened today~
Had morning assembly in the classroom where mrs koh came to our class for dunno what.
Did the normal routine and had lessons.
Today is not a detestable day because WONG did not come WAHAHAHHAA
practically had fun during dnt cos we all were playing "daidi" in the storeroom for full 30 mins
and after school, me,vn,cambo and the china girls went to buy bubble tea. then at the shop there saw wei wen and her friend. her class doesn't have chem remedial so they skip the humans remedial. So I went to follow my mum and skip my remedials but I went for miss choo's remedial first and skipped chem where i had a test LOL.

Labels: I'm laming it^^